Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), are pleased to announce the Second International Conference on Education in Chemistry-2014 (ICEC-2014), to be held in Mumbai during 12-14 December 2014. The first successful ICEC was hosted at HBCSE in 2010.
There is a growing recognition that improvements are needed in the quality of higher education in the country, that is, in colleges and University Departments. The improvement efforts are directed towards two important areas: (a) updating curricula and syllabi, and (b) modernising teaching strategies and educational delivery systems. These are urgently needed in the chemical sciences, which address vital needs of the society. Systematic and long term changes can be brought about by a research-based approach to transforming the educational scenario in the chemical sciences.
From its inception in the late 1970s, Chemistry Education Research (CER) has addressed teaching and learning of chemistry at various levels. Some of the key areas of CER are students’ conceptual understanding, problem solving approaches and their implications for learning of chemistry, development and study of content courses in theory and experiment for meaningful learning, the history of chemistry and its relevance for learning concepts in chemistry, use of ICT and the role of affective factors in students' achievement in chemistry.
In India, CER is practised in few institutions, and chemistry education conferences have been too few to make any difference. ICEC-2014 seeks to acquaint chemistry teachers in higher education with developments in CER. The aim is to help the teachers review their own teaching-learning practices in the light of current trends in CER. Through planned discussions relevant to chemistry in higher education, the conference hopes to offer directions for policy planners, developers of curricula and syllabi, and textbook writers.
The conference will include invited review talks by leading international experts in chemistry education, presentations by researchers, and workshops related to content and pedagogy of chemistry as well as research in chemical education. These are designed to expose educators in chemical sciences to available learning resources. Thus ICEC-2014 hopes to create a platform for fruitful interactions among educators in the chemical sciences within and outside India. |